Your journey to wellness begins with the knowledge that there is a better way. I truly believe God intended for us to be healthy and to that end, has provided everything we need in the way of pure, clean food and plant medicine. We have all heard that "knowledge is power", and my desire is to empower YOU to take charge of your own health without feeling victim to a healthcare system that seeks to keep you sick. We will walk this path together through Personal consultations, Coaching sessions and online classes to equip you with the information and knowledge you need to make the healthiest choices that work for YOU. Don't worry, I won't leave you! Take my hand, and Let's Get Better!
Our Services
2 hr
150 US dollars30 min
25 US dollars30 min
50 US dollarsLoading days...
50 US dollarsLoading days...
50 US dollarsLoading days...
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50 US dollars