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9 Things That Will Happen After 14 Days With No Sugar

Say NO to sugar!


          Every year at Christmas, my oldest son has the tradition of sending me a box of chocolate truffles from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I love chocolate, but deny myself this guilty pleasure most of the year. So at Christmas, I especially look forward to his special package. He sends me enough to get from Christmas to my birthday on the 9’th of January. I only allow myself one per day and I have a couple extra to share with my hubby.


          I know, I know, I can hear all of you screaming at your radios – “But you told us sugar is bad for us!” And true that – it is. But once in a while, in very small doses, you can allow yourself this treat. Our bodies can process sugar and the bad stuff once in a while, but the way we do it, the system gets overwhelmed, and our poor bodies just can’t keep up. So I allow myself to indulge at Christmas, but immediately after my birthday, all bets are off and I’m back on my regular healthy regimen. I will add here, that I still maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, fast regularly etc. while I’m doing this for 16 days.


          So I’m going to share with you Nine things that will happen to you after only 2 weeks with NO SUGAR. Disclaimer here – This means NO SUGAR WHATSOEVER! Check labels on salad dressings, sauces, ketchup, etc., as is it hiding everywhere!


puffy face

First you’ll notice your face is less puffy. Sugar causes inflammation of the tissues, so this is one of the first things you’ll see.


          Your memory focus and mood will improve as well as your eyesight. I’m not saying you’re going back to 20/20, but you will notice less blurring of your vision and clearer thought patterns.


          There will be a decrease in urination at night.


          You will notice that you have more energy as your body moves from burning sugar to burning fat.


          You will see any cramping between meals disappear. Many people have this issue, and it stops after 2 weeks with no sugar.


          You will see a reduction in the stiffness, pain and inflammation of joints and muscles. My 93 year old mentor has suffered with painful knees for years. I had been suggesting for a very long time that she cut out the sugar, as she has quite the sweet tooth. She finally decided to follow my advice, and lo and behold, no knee pain!


lose weight

You WILL lose weight.


          Your hormones will balance, resulting in better skin. Acne and breakouts will stop and your skin will appear clearer and brighter.


          Your insulin resistance will improve. We see way too much of this and especially in children. When I was growing up, you NEVER saw childhood diabetes. Now it’s at epidemic levels and sugar is the reason.


          Now. I’m always honest with you, so I will tell you the downside to all of this. Sugar is a drug, and it is VERY addictive. When you give it up, expect to have terrible headaches for several days. Take some white willow or aspirin, but hang in there. It WILL cease, and the very fact you are going through this type of withdrawal should help to convince you how very powerful it is.


          Things will get worse before they get better.

You may notice terrible breakouts as your body starts detoxing and getting rid of the gunk it has been holding on to. Breakouts, acne, eczema etc. are all tied to the liver and the skin is one way our body detoxes, by pushing those impurities out. So don’t be alarmed. Just keep on the path. 14 days is not that long and when you get to the end of it, I promise you are going to feel better.


          Remember to drink plenty of water, and you might want to keep a journal of what’s happening to your body. When you get to the end of it, you’ll notice your sense of taste becomes more refined, and you will start to taste the natural sweetness of foods. It won’t take as much sweet to satisfy you.


          I’d love to know how you progress with this. If you fall off the wagon, jump right back on it. Push through and see how good you feel at the end. Send me an email or a comment on the blog to let me know what changes you specifically noticed. And remember, if you have just a little bit, soon you’ll be right back where you started, so try to exhibit some willpower here. Your health is certainly worth it!


          Here’s to a healthier 2 weeks. LET’S GET BETTER!

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