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Cancer fighting recommendations


healthy eating is the key to cancer prevention


We seem to be seeing more and more incidents of cancer than I can ever remember. It’s heartbreaking. Not to minimize the severity of it, but there are many affordable ways to fight it off from a natural perspective if you are so inclined. Below are some suggestions that will put your body in a better state and help you to fight off cancer and other maladies that seem to be plaguing us these days. In spite of the number of “miracle drugs” available, we seem to be losing this war. Perhaps there’s a better way.

Conventional medicine has consistently derided the use of Essiac tea, a blend of herbs including burdock root, sheep's sorrel, slippery elm and Indian rhubarb root, as useless and even toxic in higher doses. Of course, in many cases, conventional "wisdom" may be harmful and completely unnecessary. There is much anecdotal evidence to support the effectiveness of Essiac.

Certainly explore natural therapies like Essiac and other treatments for cancer but ALWAYS remember to rely on the body.

While I don't claim to have special expertise in cancer treatment, Essiac tea would certainly seem a reasonable approach to use in conjunction with other natural therapies.

However the primary danger of using any therapy, whether conventional or natural, is to avoid an allopathic approach and use the treatment as a magic bullet. Folks, if you just assume that there are NO magic bullets, you will be far ahead of the game.

Certainly explore natural therapies like Essiac and other treatments for cancer but ALWAYS remember to rely on the body. Seek to treat the underlying cause and not the symptoms.

You can eliminate your risks of, and in many cases prevent cancer via natural means. Here are some recommendations.

control your insulin levels

1.  Control your insulin levels: Sorry, but cancer lives on sugar. That’s its food. So you need to eliminate it from your diet. Naturally occurring sweets like fruit, stevia, raw honey and pure maple syrup are acceptable choices. Sugar contributes to an acid PH, so eliminating it from you diet will be of immense help to you. Remember, alcohol is full of sugar, so consider that when you are looking at things to eliminate from your diet.

2.  Get appropriate amounts of animal-based Omega-3 fats and make sure you use cod liver oil if you don't have regular access to sun exposure. A D3 supplement is also encouraged. At least 5000 IU per day is the recommended dose.

3.  Get appropriate exercise. One of the primary reasons exercise works is that it drives your insulin levels down. Controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risks, as well as other maladies. We have become so sedentary, and I truly believe there is a health link there.

4.  Eat according to your metabolic type. Dr. Mercola has an excellent book on this subject.  The potent anti-cancer effects of this principle are very much underappreciated.

healthy stress relief

5.  Have a tool to permanently erase the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes. Even the CDC states that 85% of disease is caused by emotions.  We’re talking stress here, folks. It is likely that this factor may be more important than all the other physical ones listed here, so make sure this is addressed. Adaptogen herbs, exercise, and anything you can do to reduce stress will go a long way to improving your health and building your immune system.

6.  Only 25 percent of people eat enough vegetables, so by all means eat as many vegetables as you are comfortable with. Ideally, they should be fresh and organic. However, please understand that, frequently, fresh, naturally grown vegetables are healthier than organic ones that are older and wilted in the grocery store. They are certainly better than no vegetables at all, so don't use that as an excuse. If you are a carb metabolic type, you may need up to 300 percent more vegetables than a protein metabolic type.

7.  Make sure you are not in the two-thirds of the population who are overweight and maintain and ideal body weight

8.  Get enough high quality sleep. 4 hours is NOT enough high quality sleep! (In spite of what our President does!)

9.  Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution.

10.  Boil, poach or steam your food, rather than frying or parboiling it.

11. Drink half your body weight in alkaline water every day. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Most of us have a more acidic PH. DYLN sells a very affordable water bottle that will convert your water to alkaline.

Remember, these are only suggestions. But seriously, what do you have to lose? God created us in a beautiful and wonderful way. And if we take care of the bodies He gave us, we stand a much better chance of staying strong and healthy into our golden years. Work to better your chances against this epidemic, and Let’s Get Better.

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