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It's Summer! Stay Healthy - NATURALLY!


Ah, summer! The flowers, the sunshine, the vacations. It’s that time we all look forward to all year long. We work towards it; kids dream about it through springtime finals and gardeners relish the thoughts of all that wonderful harvest.


Summer. The warm air, the clear nights, the bug bites, the sunburn, the sore muscles!?  Wait a minute. OK, so maybe this summer thing isn’t all “beer and skittles” as me dear ole mum used to say. But no worries. If you’re well prepared with a handy dandy first aid kit, those long summer days and warm summer nights can be fun, enjoyable, and yes, HEALTHY!


Let’s face it. Summer means sun, and sun means sunburn. Our bodies long for that rich source of vitamin D and we all need it. But too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, so number one in the kit – A good, all-purpose burn salve. Most of these have aloe vera in them because of its wonderfully soothing properties, not to mention that it is a natural sunscreen blocking up to 30% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Look for one with lavender essential oil in it which is wonderful for burns.


Next are those nasty biting buggies. I love our home in the north woods of Michigan, but the Black flies make the month of June almost unbearable. Solution? A good, natural insect repellant.  Pennyroyal, eucalyptus, cedarwood, sage, catnip, rose geranium and citronella are all great candidates for this.  I have mixed several of them up in a spray bottle with some pure aloe vera gel and a little lanolin and voila! Instant bug spray without the harmful DEET. It's called Bugger Off! and you can find it in the Apothecary. Also, bugs seem to have some sort of fashion sense, so remember to wear light clothing. They prefer the darker blues and purples. How can a summer insect be a “winter”? Go figure!


Next is the inevitable indigestion, tummy ache or just plain bloating from all that wonderful summer grilling and food cooked over an open fire.  Antidote – a nice cup of chamomile tea. Remember Peter Rabbit? Momma Rabbit knew that the calming chemicals in Chamomile would help Peter get off to sleep. Remember to be cautious if you have an allergy to ragweed, as they are in the same botanical family. Peppermint and Ginger are also great for any type of gastric disorder. Take some of that fresh peppermint out of your garden and make a nice infusion.  Remember twice as much fresh as dried, so about 2 Tablespoons of fresh leaves in a tea ball ought to do it.  I like to get pickled ginger from the oriental market or the Asian section of your local grocery store. (Yes, the stuff they put on sushi!)  Chew a couple of pieces of that and it’s sure to quell the nausea of the fishing trip on Uncle Bob’s boat.


Stress, believe it or not, is a big part of summer. So much to do, so little time. So something for Mom and Dad when the screeching begins to make the old ears bleed. Have some valerian, skullcap, or feverfew handy to make a tea to soothe the headache and relax the nerves.


And what about those aching muscles? Whether it’s gardening, tennis, swimming, mowing the lawn or just the fact that you’ve been trapped behind a desk for 9 months, summer brings renewed reminders that muscles that aren’t used will rebel when pushed! So, make up a nice liniment for Dad’s aching back and Mom’s aching legs. (Or if your kids happen to be in that growing thing they tend to do!) Look for something with peppermint or menthol in it. And if all else fails, our Après Ski liniment or salve is wonderful for this if you are not the do-it-yourself type.


There you have it. Everything you need for a safe, healthy summer and you aren’t putting chemicals into your loved ones.  Add to that a wonderful Peppermint foot spray for after those 6 sets of tennis or a day on the golf course, a soothing gardeners’ salve for those (like me) who absolutely refuse to wear gloves and must get their hands in the dirt and some Tea Tree oil for antiseptic and you’re good to go until Fall!


What’s that? You don’t have a Peppermint Foot Spray or a Gardeners’ Salve? Coincidentally, I just happen to know where you can get some!  Go to the Apothecary for these and more wonderful concoctions just for you, just for summer. Also, Get our Summer Survival Pak for your backpack or if you are planning a trip!


Be Well everyone and have a great summer!


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