Happy New Year!
I actually love the New Year. It gives me an excuse to sit down and contemplate the future, take stock of where I was, how far I’ve come, where I want to be at this time next year. Goal setting is great and can be a wonderful tool if it doesn’t get too crazy. And the New Year is the best time to do that.
Health clubs and spas take advantage of this common practice and some of their most aggressive advertising is at this time of year. “Get rid of those holiday pounds”, “Start losing now to fit into that bathing suit”, “Make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight” etc. You’ve all heard them and maybe bought into some of them, which is fine. Except for many people, around March or April, those goals and dreams seem to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life and we end up not getting where we thought we would. Sometimes this leads to depression and feelings of guilt. Been there, done that.
But this year let me propose something a little less demanding and a little more realistic. For some reason, we tend to go all out with New Year’s resolutions. I mean, when was the last time you heard someone say, “My New Year’s resolution is to only eat ice cream 1 day of every week”? Seriously. It’s usually more like, “I’m going to lose 50 lbs. Or I’m going to run 1 hour every day, or I’m going to give up chocolate.”
Everyone thinks about his or her health and it seems like as this baby boomer gets further and further into retirement, I think about it much more. So how about some baby steps. Instead of saying, “I’m going to give up white sugar” – which is a very healthy goal, start with, “I’m going to start using pure honey in my tea instead of white sugar”. See the difference? Make the statement something positive, not negative like, “I’m going to give up . . . (fill in the blank)”. Just this one small thing can help you on the road to more natural, healthy living.
We all know the big bad six and I’ll repeat them for you here: white flour, white sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, artificial colorings, and caffeine. Many of the people who write to me are now in such a state because of years of this type of consumption, that they have to quit cold turkey, or they are going to have serious health issues or even death. That’s not a pleasant way to give something up, believe me.
So here are some little steps you can take this year on your road to better health and wellness. Take your time. If you can only commit to one this year, do that, but do it with all your heart. If you can take on more, great! The idea is to make your personal health a priority and take steps to make it the best it can be.
1) Use natural sweeteners instead of white sugar or artificial sweeteners. This would include honey, molasses, stevia, pure maple syrup and natural fruit juice. (Note: Raw sugar doesn’t count here. Unless you are consuming it via a sugar beet or piece of real sugar cane!! It’s still processed.)
2) Instead of potatoes as a side dish, try some exciting new grains like couscous or bulgur. Add some thyme or ginger for some exciting taste treats that are good for you.
3) Use unbleached flour in your baking. It’s not as good as stone ground wheat, but it’s certainly a step in the right direction.
4) Read labels on things you buy every day. You’d be surprised where sugar is hiding. (Cereal, ketchup, salad dressing etc)
5) Try every day to stop and in a quiet place, (even if it’s the ladies room at work!) sit, close your eyes, and take 12 long, deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Slowly and deliberately.
6) Drink more pure water. Take a bottle and sit it at your desk and sip from it all day.
7) Substitute one caffeine drink a day with something healthy like water or herbal tea. There are lots of wonderful herbal teas. Try one you’ve never had before. Be daring!
8) Try a bar of that natural soap you’ve smelled in the health food store, but never purchased. Our skin is the largest organ on our bodies and what we put on it can be as detrimental as what we put in it sometimes.
9) Try to eat something green every single day. (If it’s growing on the bread in the cabinet, it doesn’t count!)
10) Take a quality vitamin every day. Believe me, 2000 mg of vitamin C will do more for you than you can imagine, and maybe keep you from having to take a handful of pills later in life.
That’s it folks. Simple suggestions, to get you on the road to health and wellness. I turned 68 this year on Jan 9’th. Most people have no idea that I’m that old. My diet and my lifestyle aren’t perfect, and I’ve done my share of terrible eating and other unhealthy habits, but my foundation was pure, clean, healthy living with good things from the good earth.