Well, it’s that time again. School has started. And every fall, we go through the same thing. Our children are taken from the fresh air and exercise of the summer months and shoved into crowded, overheated classrooms with a plethora of new viruses and germs they have not yet been exposed to. Before the dreaded COVID, we took this in stride and worked through it. Now, all of a sudden, we’re all going to die apparently. But I digress.
Viruses come along every year, and here’s a news flash you won’t hear on the nightly news or from the guru, Dr. Fauci – Viruses mutate – often. This is why every year there is a NEW flu vaccine that you must take. And why you have no immunity built up from last year’s flu.
With apologies up front to all the medical experts out there, naturopaths and natural health practitioners handle this time of year and the influx of colds and flu a little differently. I’m not here to argue, I’m here to give alternatives. Your health is YOUR responsibility. Choose wisely.
As with parasites, viruses tend to attach unhealthy hosts. That means folks with compromised immune systems from whatever – poor diet, other health issues, obesity etc. As I’ve said many times, your best bet is to have a strong, healthy immune system. That way, even if the virus DOES come upon you, the chances are it will be shorter in duration, and less severe.

Again, anyone who knows me knows where I’m going first. DIET. You absolutely MUST be putting the proper fuel in your body. Sugar, fast food, white or bleached flour, fried foods, alcohol, artificial ANYTHING and prepackaged foods do NOT fall into the category of proper food. In some cases, they barely fall into the category of FOOD. “Cheese product”? What the heck is THAT!? You all know the drill. Especially with your children, you have GOT to cut back on the sugar they are consuming. I’ve seen folks putting masks on toddlers and then filling them full of soda and sugary treats. Not the best choice, gang. Fresh vegetables and fruits, clean, organic meat and eggs, organic whole grains – I know, it’s not Paleo or Keto. I don’t care. Do you want to be faddish, or do you want to keep your children healthy?
The second thing you should be doing, because no matter how hard we try, the food supply is horribly adulterated and we are not getting all the nutrients we should be, is supplementing every day with intentional, concentrated vitamins and minerals. For cold and flu, my go to vitamins are Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Selenium. And I don’t mean some colored, sugared oddly shaped multi-vitamin. I mean concentrated doses. Vitamin C is the most critical and you should be giving anywhere from 2000 – 3000 mg per day to bowel tolerance. The body doesn’t store vitamin C, so if the kids get loose stools, back off by 1000 mg. Give this level from Sept through May. The chewables are the best choice for this. Also, get some dried elderberries and make plenty of elderberry syrup and have it on hand. 1 Tbls per day per child. This will boost their immune systems so it’s harder for the bugs to latch on. Finally, a good B complex. Liquid is best for the kiddos.

Make sure they are getting plenty of sleep. There is a reason the sun goes down earlier in winter. God knew. And with all the current stress, they will need more sleep.
If they should happen to succumb to a cold or flu remember plenty of fluids. NOT SUGARY DRINKS OR EVEN JUICE! They need good, clean, pure water and plenty of it. NOTE – colds do not come with fevers – ever! If your child has a fever, it is more than likely flu. If the fever is high, over 101, make warm lemon juice with honey in it. It is a refrigerant and will bring down their fever. Understand that the fever is one way the body fights off viruses, so if it isn’t over 101, let the body do what the body does. Plenty of sleep, plenty of fluids to flush that stuff out of their systems. They probably won’t be hungry if it’s flu, so warm chicken broth – homemade if you can, is one of the best things you can give them.

Another remedy I swear by is garlic oil. I’ve shared the recipe here before, but for the new folks, chop up several cloves of fresh garlic. Add a cup of pure olive oil. Let sit on your counter for 4-6 weeks. Start right now for the school year! Drain off the garlic and put in a pump bottle. At the first sign of a cough or sniffles, rub this generously on their feet, put on warm socks and put them to bed. 9 out of 10 times, when they wake up in the morning, there will be no signs of cold or flu. I am married to an Italian, so there is so much garlic in our system that we smell like it when we sweat! But we’re never sick! It’s a wonderful immune system builder. (And no one wants to be around you when you smell like garlic, so it’s a win/win!) Just kidding. Incorporate it into your diets and food. You’ll be amazed, I promise.
Lastly, please don’t panic. I know that’s hard in this current environment where the media is scaring everyone to death. But kids pick up on anxiety and if you’re scared, they will be scared. Reassure that all is well, and they will be fine. Give them some coloring books or books to read and soft animals to play with and kiss them – a lot!
Remember that a good attitude goes a long way. Depression and anxiety actually affect the immune system, so stop watching the nightly news and play some games with your family. You’ll all be better off for it. Let’s Get Better!