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HERBAL ENERGETICS MATTER - are you Hot, or Cold as ice?

Knowledge of herbal energetics is critical to knowing which herb to use when, with whom. One size does not fit all!

hot and cold faucets

Last week I gave you a brief introduction to Herbal Energetics. They come from several different systems of herbalism worldwide and at their core are based on the idea that everything is made up of the four qualities: hot, cold, damp and dry. Once I know this about you, I will use the information to help you find balance. If you are too hot, I will suggest cooling herbs. Too damp? Drying herbs and so on. As you can see, the focus here is on the PERSON and not on the disease.


          So first, we need to discover what your main constitution is. Remember, we are looking for general tendencies or how you feel most of the time. Everyone will have some characteristics of all four qualities, so don’t get hung up on that. What makes you so wonderfully unique is your individual make up and to what degree you fall into each of these categories. It is perfectly normal to have characteristics from both qualities, but we want to focus on the ones with the most characteristics in each quality pair – Hot/Cold and Dry/Damp. There are those rare individuals who are a balanced mix of all four. They are actually harder work with, because we have to go much deeper. But that’s a subject for another day. So let’s get started!


          I am going to offer you a set of statements. Pick A or B. Ready?


1.   A. I tend to feel warmer than others. B. I tend to feel colder than others.

2.   A. I tend to have a loud voice. B. I tend to have a quiet voice.

3.   A. My entire face can easily get red or flushed. B. My face, lips and/or tongue tend to be pale.

4.   A. I have a strong appetite. B. I tend to have a smaller appetite.

5.   A. My tongue tends to be bright red.  B. I prefer warm drinks.

6.   A. I have lots of opinions and I’m not afraid to share them. B. I often feel like I have low energy levels.

7.   A. I prefer cold weather. B. I prefer warm weather.


person taking a quiz

OK. Now count up the number of A’s and the number of B’s. If you picked more A’s than B’s, You have a Hot constitution. If you have more B’s than A’s, You have a Cold constitution. If your answers were equal, you are balanced in this quality.


Next week, we’re going to look at whether or not you have a Dry or Damp constitution. This week, I’d like you to be aware of how your constitution, (Hot or Cold) shows up in your life. This is a foundational awareness that will give you more and more insights over time about how to use herbs and what herbs specifically to use, in accordance with your personal constitution.

For a deeper dive into this, schedule a personal consultation with me here. Don't forget to stock up on Back to School Survival Paks for the kiddos! Until next week,



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