An integral part of successful herbal medicine is having a clear understanding of how to match herbs to people. Many herbalist either lack this understanding or were never taught the proper approach, which makes their methods little more than allopathic medicine with herbs. We now have all the pieces. Let’s put them together and find that ever elusive “Sweet Spot”. But what does that mean?
Think Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Like Goldilocks, we are looking for a remedy that is “just right”! Here’s where we leave the Science of herbalism and move to the art. When I have a new client, it’s always exciting! I can’t wait to find out all about them and discover together the remedy that is “just right” for them.
My first consideration is, What’s right for them in particular? What is their constitution? What are their current energetics? Which herbs will bring all of that into balance? I’m going to use myself as an example because, well, I know ME better than anyone!!

My innate constitution is Hot/Dry. So even in balance, I tend toward things that are cooling and moistening. But if I am having a health issue, say inflammation, that is my current energetics. The western allopathic approach would be to treat the issue without any regard whatsoever for my base constitution. Turmeric is all the rage right now for inflammation. But wait! Turmeric’s energetic is warming. Now, I HAVE taken turmeric for inflammation at times. And I did get some relief. But I found that I was also uncomfortable, and opening windows because I was suddenly feeling too hot!
After taking time to think about it, I realized that Peppermint is a cooling herb. And I make a salve called Après Ski with menthol in it, which is derived from Peppermint. That salve also helps with inflammation, since it was developed for sore muscles. Inflammation is a hot condition, so couple that with my hot constitution and you’ve got the recipe for a raging fire! (See why I married a fire fighter!!?) So for me, peppermint is a better answer. I feel comfortable after taking it as a tea or a tincture, It doesn’t exacerbate my condition, as it is anti-inflammatory, and it helps decrease my natural heat. WIN/WIN/WIN!

The herbal sweet spot is that integration between my constitution, my current energetics, and the plant energetics. Think of a Venn diagram where all 3 circles intersect. That’s the sweet spot. Can you guess what the most important skill is for finding this? It’s a deep understanding of SELF. You MUST know WHO YOU ARE before moving on to other aspects. This is the reason that allopathic medicine rarely works long term, and sometimes, herbal medicine doesn’t seem to work at all.
The last part of this is figuring out which plant you need to gravitate toward. Now, if you want to, you can certainly go to school to learn these things. There are many books and wonderful courses out there that will help you, but it takes time and practice. While I DO recommend that everyone have at least a cursory knowledge of plants and their main actions or energetics, deep understanding of it takes years.
That’s when you turn to a qualified herbalist. How do you know they are qualified? Ask the right questions!

Ask them, “How are you going to determine the correct remedy for me?” If they say something like, “Oh, hawthorn’s a great herb for the heart, so it will work for you”, RUN!
If they spend less than 15 minutes with you and don’t ask you for a detailed health survey, RUN!
Ask them, “What can you tell me about herbal energetics?” if you get a blank stare and some hemming and hawing, thank them for their time, and move on.
There is a right way and a wrong way to do this, and I want you to be well and healthy all the way to your bones, not just on the surface, not just for a little while. If you’re suffering from something new, or something that has been chronic for quite a while and can’t seem to find lasting results, why not give me a call today? Call toll free 844-HERBGAL or go to the website and schedule a consultation with me. Let me put my 48 years of experience to work for you.
Next week, we'll talk about the Herbs Du Jour and how dangerous herbal fads can be. Until then,
Let’s Get Better!